Information Design - Final Project

11/01/2023 - 23/02/2023 / Week 01 - 07
Ellyn Saw Mei Hui / 0353358
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media 
Information Design Final Project

♡ All lectures, exercises are completed in

♡ All flip tasks are completed in

♡ Project 1 completed in

♡ Project 2 completed in


<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

Fig 1.0 Group 1.2 members

♡ Work in a group and create a motion graphic video based on the theme given. 
♡ Minimum 1.5mins, maximum 3mins for the video
♡ Must include data or statistics as well as using the questioning technique & provide answers in our final outcome

♡ Theme: Burnout

PROGRESS ( WEEK 01 - 11/01/2023 ) :  
♡ Below shows the tasks we have to do for our final project. Individually each of us have to share about personal burnout experience on our blog (limit to 30 minutes of writing time). As for the group task, we are to research on burnout.

Fig1.1 Week 1 task for final project

  • More often than not everyone has experiences feeling burnout in any point of their lives. It is not something that we can really control? My first time feeling burnout was in university. Usually when burnout hit me I just felt tired, constantly unmotivated and out of ideas. I also did not like anything that I produced during that period of time (burnout sucks). Forcing my brain to think of creative ideas is not very healthy for my body and my mental health so eventually I learnt that whenever I'm feeling burnout, I just need to take a step back and give myself a break. After I'm well rested and ready to start doing work again, I'll pick up from where I left off :]
  • Another side story and this was one of the worst things that happened to me and I still remember like it was yesterday since it was kind of traumatic(?). It happened last year and during that time I had many workloads pilling on me. During that period of time, I always felt annoyed or iritable and tired. Deadlines were near and constant pressure on myself took a toll on me and eventually I passed out in public when I was trying to order food (tragic...) :[ My parents accompanied me to the doctors and he mentioned that it could be due to academic stress and late nights doing assignments since I did that quite alot. After reflecting on myself, I also learnt to manage my time better by writing in my planner and giving myself 'off-days'! On my off days, I focused on relaxing and enjoying time with my friends and family instead of being on my laptop constantly thinking or worrying about assignments.
WEEK 02 - 19/01/2023 
♡ This week our group began working on the draft idea for our art direction. The researchers also wrote down visual notes for the script so that we roughly knew what to illsutrate.

Fig1.2 Chosen typeface - Avenir Light & Black

Fig1.3 Animation frame ideas

♡ (Week 6's feedback) Mr Martin mentioned that our typeface needs to change so after careful consideration, our group decided to go with Silom, Regular as our final font choice.

Fig1.4 Finalised moodboard

WEEK 03 - 06 (23/01 - 19/02/2023)
♡ For these few weeks our group worked on finalising our storyboard as well as the 1st draft of our animatics. For storyboarding, Carmen, Joyee and I were in charge of scenes 3A to 3F so we decided to split them equally among ourselves.

Fig1.5 Scene 3A - 3F

- Scene 3A & 3E: Ellyn 
- Scene 3B & 3D: Carmen
- Scene 3C & 3F: Joyee 

1st attempt, storyboard for scene 3A and scene 3E. I decided to base my illustrations from the visual notes that my group prepared.

Fig2.1 Storyboard (3A)

Fig2.2 Storyboard (3E, part 1)

Fig2.3 Storyboard (3E, part 2)

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Fig2.4 Scene 3A attempt 1 (google drive)

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Fig2.5 Scene 3E attempt 1 (google drive)

♡ Below shows the draft animatic we did to show Mr Martin roughly how our video will look like in the end. Unfortunately, the audio quality in this video is quite bad since I screen recorded this from Alicia's blog. When I wanted to update my progress and wanted this video, Alicia mentioned to me that she doesn't have this video on her laptop anymore. I tried downloading the video from her blog but I found out that she might've used the blogger video uploader so there was no way for me to download it hence I resorted to screen recording it.

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Fig2.6 Burnout attempt 1 (animatic, full video)

♡ 2nd attempt, storyboard for scene 3A and scene 3E. After the feedback from Mr Martin, everyone had to redo some of our illustrations to make it fit more to the storyline as well as getting the illustrations to match with each other. Since Mr Martin mentioned that there were too many texts on my part, I decided to lessen them. 

Fig3.1 FINAL storyboard (3A)

Fig3.2 FINAL storyboard (3E, part 1)

Fig3.3 FINAL storyboard (3E, part 2)

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Fig3.4 Group1.2's overall storyboard

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Fig3.5 Scene 3A attempt 2 (google drive)

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Fig3.6 Scene 3E attempt 2 (google drive)

WEEK 07 (23/02/2023)
♡ Attempt 2, after finalising my storyboard and assets, I started to working on the actual animations using the assets that has already been changed according to the feedback given by Mr Martin. Below shows the our group's 2nd attempt (full video).

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Fig3.7 Burnout attempt 2 (full video)

♡ Attempt 3, some minor changes were made to my animation after recieving feedback from Mr Martin. From the feedback, Mr Martin mentioned that my font choice was random and inconsistent with the others which made me confused because the established FINAL font our group decided was indeed silom, regular (as shown in Fig3.8).

Fig3.8 FINALISED typeface

♡ So, I decided to discuss with my group leader (Alicia) and I found out that some of my group members actually were confused between 'Silom' and 'Silom, Regular' font as 'Silom, Regular' is a only available on MacOS. Fig3.9 shows the difference between 'Silom, Regular' and 'Silom'.

Fig3.9 Silom, Regular vs Silom

♡ Attempt 3, changes made to my animations according to the feedback given by Mr Martin. 

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Fig4.1 Scene 3A, attempt 3

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Fig4.2 Scene 3E, attempt 3

♡ After showing Mr Martin the feedback, he advised me to change a few stuff again so this is my last and final attempt before submissions. (View animations for my part here - final attempt)

Fig4.3 Changes to scene 3A, null object layer

♡ Group 1.2 folder: (HERE)

Fig5.1 FINAL project submission, youtube

Week 04 - 02/02/2023
Lecturer Feedback: 
Feedback from Mr Martin (Week4)

Week 06 - 16/02/2023
Lecturer Feedback:
Feedback from Mr Martin (Week 6)

Feedback from Mr Martin (Week 6)

Week 08 - 03/03/2023
Lecturer Feedback:

Feedback from Mr Martin (Week 8)

These 7 weeks really flew by just like that. It feels like yesterday was the first day of class and now we're here at the end of the semester already. Not gonne lie, these 7 weeks had been a hectic! With so many tasks and assignments ongoing at the same time but I'm really glad that Mr Martin still gave us the option to choose if we wanted to be online or physical. I chose online so it allowed me to work on my assignments and tasks in the comfort of my own home. I think what really made it felt so hectic  was due to the fact that CNY happened so soon and in Week 5 some of us went to Japan for our intercultural trip. It almost felt like we lost 2 weeks to do my work but not really since some of us were still doing our assignments during CNY and even trying to keep up with my work before going to Japan. As for this task, it was smooth sailing from the start as my leader (Alicia) was organised and kept monitoring our progress. I had fun while doing this task eventho it's not my favourite since animations and illustrations isn't my strongest point. Everyone in the group were also very helpful and reliable. Overall I'm really glad that I have such kind and cooperative group members as well as a responsible leader that keeps us in check all the time. 


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