Information Design - Weekly exercises

11/01/2023 - 23/02/2023 / Week 01 - 07
Ellyn Saw Mei Hui / 0353358
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media 
Information Design Weekly Exercises

♡ Weekly exercises (practical session) are all conducted by Mr Martin.
♡ Week 1 - Introduction to Information Design
(Wednesday) Mr Martin & Mr Hafiz both briefed us on what we will be doing and learning in this module as well as explaining  the assignment brief to us. Then, on Thursday Mr Shamsul started the lecture by teaching us the different types of infographics.

♡ Week 2 -  Kinetic Typography (practice)
This week Mr Martin taught us how to create a short and simple kinetic typography video! He also taught us a few AE tips & tricks when animating.

♡ Week 3 -  Motion Graphic Chart
This week Mr Martin explained to us about the different types of motion graphic charts. Then, he gave us some time to follow his recorded tutorial & try animating our motion graphic chart. He also gave all the groups his feedback on our drafts for project 2 - kinetic typography. 


<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

♡ individual task, below shows what we have to do for our exercise 1.

Fig 1.1 Week 1, exercise 1

PROGRESS ( WEEK 1 - 11/01/2023 ) :  
♡ We were told to look around our home for a jar of items like coins, buttons, gumballs, etc and I found a container full of clover beads!

Fig 1.2 Container of clover beads

♡ Then, I started to sort them by their colours. There are a total of 8 colours (Purple, Red, Blue, Yellow, Dark pink, Orange, Light pink, Green)

Fig 1.3 Overview of the beads

♡ After sorting them and counting the quantity of each colour,  I started experimenting the layout. The 1st one (Fig1.4) is a simple straight line for each colours. I thought this layout looked a little boring so I decided to try another layout (Fig1.5). In the end, I went with the 2nd layout as it looks much better.

Fig 1.4 Layout #1

Fig 1.5 Layout #2


Fig 1.6 FINAL exercise 1

♡ individual task, below shows what we have to do for exercise 2.
Fig2.1 Week 2, exercise 2

PROGRESS ( WEEK 2 - 20/01/2023 ) :  
♡ Mr Shamsul mentioned that we can either use pokemons like the ones in the assignment brief OR use other characters for this exercise. Initially, I had two draft ideas in mind but after careful consideration, I decided to create a LATCH infographic on the different facilities in Animal Crossing since it was easier to do.

Fig 2.2 My draft ideas

♡ After my topic was decided, I logged onto my game and screenshotted my island mao since I wanted to use it as a reference on how to design the infographic! Then I started with my designing process.

Fig 2.3 My Animal Crossing island map

Fig 2.4 Island map that I drew

♡ I thought the map looked quite empty so I decided to add a 2 different types of trees, flowers and waves to make it look more lively. After that, I procedeed with arranging all the necessary informations onto my island map!

Fig 2.5 After decorating

♡ The boxes of information on the map looked quite small in my 1st attempt (see Fig2.6) so I decided to enlarge them a little so the information is clearer to the audience.

Fig 2.5 Attempt #1


Fig3.1 FINAL L.A.T.C.H design

 Week 02, 19/01/2023
♡ Kinetic typography practice (in class activity), Mr Martin showed us how to create a simple kinetic typography video by using null object in AE.  Audio used - So What by P!nk

Fig1.1 In class demonstration

Fig1.2 my progress

♡ 1st attempt, following Mr Martin's demonstration.

Fig1.3 First attempt, kinetic typography practice

♡ 2nd attempt (FINAL), I decided to create another version that looks more complicated(?) and has more movement in the texts.

Fig1.4 FINAL kinetic typography practice

 Week 03, 26/01/2023
♡ Motion graphic chart practice (in class activity), different types of charts were randomly allocated to us and I got option B which is a bar chart. Then, Mr Martin gave us some time to follow his tutorial & try animating our motion graphic chart.
♡ Below is my 1st attempt (done in class), following Mr Martin's demonstration.

Fig2.1 First attempt, motion graphic chart

♡ 2nd attempt (FINAL), after learning how to animate the bar chart, I then procedeed with the task that was given to us which is to animate a bar chart based on the sources for student stress.

Fig2.2 FINAL motion graphic chart

 Week 04, 02/02/2023
♡ Vector animation practice (in class activity), Mr Martin gave us some time to follow his tutorial on how to create vector animation by using position, rotate, scale and creating the bounce effect. 
Below is my 1st attempt (done in class), following Mr Martin's demonstration & tutorial video.

Fig3.1 Vector animation attempt 1

After that, he demonstrated in class on how to use the advance tools (
puppet pin 
and wiggle).

Fig3.2 Vector animation attempt 2 (wiggle & puppet pin tool)

 I proceeded with the task that was given to us which is to animate the vector that was allocated to us. We must include 
position, rotate, scale and bounce effect 
as well as using either
 puppet pin tool 
or wiggle tool. 
I used the
 pin puppet tool for my windmill and also the wiggle effect on the clouds to make it look like they are floating.

Fig3.3 Pin puppet tool progress

Fig3.4 FINAL vector animation

Honestly everything went by so fast that I'm still kind of in a daze?? The tasks given were quite fun and enjoyable to do especially exercise 1 - quantifying data! I had a fun time trying different layouts for my clover beads. I also really enjoyed the kinetic typography task as we got to experience using different ways to animate texts. However, with Chinese New Year just around the corner after the semester had just started everything felt so hectic as we had to rush to get some of the tasks done to celebrate CNY peacefully. I think my energy slowly depleted right after Week 1 with how much tasks were given to us. It could also be the fact that we just came back from a long semester break so it felt very overwhelming. 


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