Creative Brand Strategy Task 03

16/05/2023 - 26/06/2023 / Week 07 - 12
Ellyn Saw Mei Hui / 0353358
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media 
Creative Brand Strategy Task 03


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TASK 03: 
 execute everything we’ve conceptualised in T1 and T2
♡ start with key visuals and further adopting them to design application
♡ takes about 6 to 7 weeks
 Website, social media and introduction video are compulsory (must have at least 4 touchpoints, the last one is up for us to choose, we can do more beyond that if we have enough time)

 I started off by sketching out ideas for my logo on paper first (habit learnt from Brand Corporate Identity module). As proposed in task 2, I wanted my logo to be a simple wordmark so that's what I thought about when I was sketching. After having a clear direction, I started to digitise them and also explored with the different typefaces I could use for my logo. 
Fig1.1 Logo design exploration (canva link)

Fig1.2 FINAL logo design

Fig1.3 Logo variations

 I already had a clear idea of how I wanted my graphical elements to look like but I wasn't sure what brush I should use in Adobe Fresco to draw them. So, I tested out 2 different brushes (left - 5px, normal round brush / right - 13px, pencil textured brush).

Fig1.4 Draft graphical elements (1)

WEEK 7 - 9:
♡ At the end, I used the brush that has more of a pencil texture for my finalised graphical elements. I started by drawing mostly things related to nature like trees, plants, leaves, flowers etc. Initially, I only drew them in b&w but after trying them with colours, Ms Lilian said they might work better in my touchpoints too so I had both b&w and coloured version.

Fig1.5 Draft graphical elements (2)

Fig1.6 FINAL graphical elements

WEEK 10:
♡ Then, I worked on some other doodle elements that could be used in my other touchpoints.

Fig1.7 Extra graphical elements

WEEK 7/8:
♡ Since the design direction I proposed includes photography, I decided that I would take my own pictures since there are many parks in KL/Selangor/. After researching, I decided to visit Bukit Jalil Recreational Park during independent learning week (week 8) for photo shooting. Luckily, it was a sunny day so the pictures turned out great.

Fig2.1 Overview of images photographed by me

WEEK 11:
♡ Ms Lilian suggested that my photos could have the same 'dreamy & grainy' effect like my promo vido but 
I decided that not all images I use will have the 'dreamy 
 grainy' effect as some of the images may be too bright (as shown in Fig2.2) 

Fig2.2 Edited images (brighter tone)

♡ Darker tone looks much better compared to the lighter ones

Fig2.3 FINAL edited images (darker tone)

WEEK 7/8:
♡ Not gonna lie, socmed was by far the touchpoint that I struggled the most with (other than website). I think it was also due to the fact that I was having a burnout moment for a few weeks while doing this task. Hence, why my explorations is lacking this week.

Fig2.4 Social media exploration (1)

♡ Once my campaign lgo was finalised and approved by Ms Lilian, I started exploring with the post that would showcase my logo.

Fig2.5 Campaign logo post exploration

♡ Below are some of my further explorations. Ms Lilian also suggested that I could make my 'progress update' post more fun so I tried out a few different layouts of that.

Fig2.6 Social media exploration (2)

WEEK 10:
♡ I thought I had a clear idea of how I wanted my social media to look like but I was really wrong :( So, I drafted a b&w layout to have a clear direction.

Fig2.7 B&W social media layout

♡ Having a clear layout of what I have to design made it easier for me. I was also starting to 'recover' from my burnout phase which is great because I felt very inspired, productive and  I could actually enjoy the work I am doing. Hence, why progression this week was starting to improve.

Fig2.8 Social media exploration (3)

WEEK 11:
♡ I could see my social media slowly coming togteher as I worked on it more. Almost all of my posts are complete now except for 'photobooth event' and 'fragrance pouch event'.

Fig2.9 Social media exploration (4)

WEEK 12:
♡ Trying to figure out the design layout for 
 'photobooth event' and 'fragrance pouch event'.

Fig2.10 Social media exploration (5)

♡ Editing my images to have the 'dreamy & grainy' filter + seeing if they fit with one another. The levels for the 
'dreamy & grainy'
 filter are the same but I think some of them turned out looking brighter with the filter is due to the fact that my images have different lighting / tones. 

Fig2.11 Social media exploration (6)

♡ I began to finalise all my social media posts a
fter figuring out the filters for my images. 
Once they are done, I exported them and tested the layout on a Instagram mock up. I downloaded an app called My Feed on my phone which alloows you to create a dummy Instagram account draft out your posts. I also change my profile picture, bio and highlight covers since the app allowed me to do so.

Fig2.12 Social media exploration (7)

Fig2.13 Instagram mock using My Feed (app)

Fig2.14 Overview of social media exploration


Fig3.1 FINAL social media grid layout (Instagram)

Fig3.2 Post 1 - The issue (carousel)

Fig3.3 Post 2 - Campaign logo & partnership

Fig3.4 Post 3 - Campaign story (carousel)

Fig3.5 Post 4 - Vision & Mission (carousel)

Fig3.6 Post 5 - Promotional video, Instagram Reel format (cover image for video)

Fig3.7 Post 6 - Campaign event details

Fig3.8 Post 7 - Fragrance pouch workshop event details (carousel)

Fig3.9 Post 8 - Phototbooth event details

Fig3.10 Post 9 - Progress update (carousel)

Fig3.11 Instagram mock up (day & night mode)

WEEK 10:
♡ Moving on, website was also one of the touchpoint I struggled the most with. I really tried my best to maintain consistency with the brand image I proposed. I started planning the b&w wireframes of the website and then started with designing.

Fig4.1 B&W website layout

Fig4.2 Website exploration (1)

WEEK 11:
♡ On W10, Ms Lilian mentioned that the way I place my graphical elements felt very controlled so I tried to make the elements a little more free. After making the changes and exploration, I feel like it definetly looks better now after consulting with Ms Lilian.

Fig4.3 Website exploration (2)

♡ I've already decided that I wanted to showcase how the website looks like when it's scrolled so I tested it out on a mock up first.

Fig4.4 Website draft demo gif


Fig4.5 Landing page

Fig4.6 Website (side) menu bar

Fig4.7 Brand story page

Fig4.8 Event details page

Fig4.9 Join us now page

Fig4.10 Website demo video (video link)

WEEK 10:
♡ Before this, I actually wanted my promo video to be fast paced (something like STOMP video) but then I realised that it doesn't really fit my campaign theme? So I changed the direction into a more calming one that showcases different natural scenery. I wanted the footages to look HD so I had no choice but to 'hunt down' the internet for some copyright free videos!

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Fig5.1 Promotional video draft(1) (video link)

♡ I wanted my promo video to be like a 'teaser'. This way it could intrigued the people watching to want to know more about the campaign. Attached below is a short script for the video!

Fig5.2 Script for promo video

WEEK 11:
♡ This week I added all the texts into my video as well as all the SFX audio clips.

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Fig5.3 Promotional video draft(2) (video link)

WEEK 12:
♡ added some transitions and made the ending credits longer so it's readable


<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Fig5.4 FINAL promotional video (video link)

♡ A3 size, will be displayed around shopping malls to promote the campaign. Poster design will be adapted into creating mock ups for digital signages, etc.

♡ This was my first week designing the campaign poster. Sadly, I was experiencing burnout during this stage so I couldn't really get my poster to look the way like I wanted it to. 

Fig6.1 Poster exploration (1)

Fig6.2 Poster exploration (2)

WEEK 10:
♡ Luckily among the posters I designed, 2 of them were chosen for me to further refine

Fig6.3 Poster chosen to refine

♡ Ms Lilian said the layout on the left looks better but the image used on the right looks more pleaisng to the eye (refer to Fig6.3) so I decided to combine those elements together

Fig6.4 Poster after refinement

WEEK 11:
♡ This week, Ms Lilian mention I could adapt the 'dreamny & grainy' effect into some of my applications since I did it in my video so I decided to try it out on my poster too. The layout of the graphical elements and my texts also changed.
Fig6.5 Poster exploration (3)

WEEK 12:
♡ During the group consultation session, some of my classmates said that my poster looks very crowded but I really liked the lyaout so I asked my friends for their opinions. They mentioned that  instead of changing my layout, I could try to put a dark green overlay with lowered opacity. I tried it out and honestly I think it looks good.

Fig6.6 Poster refinement (1)

♡ When designing my draft posters on Week 9, the poster with the blue sky (as shown in Fig6.2) was my favourite and surpringly my friends mentioned that they really like it too! They suggested I could use it as my 2nd poster to add variation. The progress shown down below is actually me trying the layout for the poster as well as the 'dreamy & grainy' filter.

Fig6.7 Poster refinement (2)

Fig6.8 Mock up test


Fig6.9 FINAL event poster ver.1

Fig6.10 FINAL event poster ver.2

Fig6.11 FINAL event poster mock up (1)

Fig6.12 FINAL event poster mock up (2)

Fig6.13 FINAL event poster (shopping mall mock 1)

Fig6.14 FINAL event poster (shopping mall mock 2)

Fig6.15 FINAL event poster digital signage mock up ver.1

Fig6.16 FINAL event poster digital signage mock up ver.2

WEEK 7/8:
♡ After having the draft design for my photostrip, I then started to design the photobooth event poster. Initially, I wanted the background to use imagery (like my poster) but I realised that it looked too messy with all the other elements and informations around. I also didn't put too much of my graphical elements since it was already so crowded. Then, I tested the layout on a solid gradient bg which looked better.

Fig7.1 Photobooth event poster exploration (1)

WEEK 11:
♡ Following Ms Lilian's advice, I changed the background from an image to a gradient bg (white to green) instead. I also enlarge the sizes of the photostrip design to make them go out of frame.

Fig7.2 Photobooth event poster exploration (2)


Fig7.3 FINAL photobooth event poster

Fig7.4 FINAL photobooth event poster on mock up

♡ For the DIY fragrance pouch event where consumers can join during the campaign duration
♡ Will be
linen material and a total of 2 different designs

WEEK 7/8
At first, I used the pencil textured brush to match with my graphical elements but since the material of the bag is linen material, the texture of the elements doesn't really show up. 

Fig8.1 Fragrance pouch exploration (1)

Fig8.2 Fragrance pouch exploration with draft logo

Fig8.3 Fragrance pouch mock up test

♡ During the feedback session, 
Ms Lilian suggested that I could use the normal brush and textured coloured instead for this touchpoint. 
After deciding which brush tool I will be using to design my graphical elements for my fragrance pouch, I started to test out different ways I could design the fragrance pouch. 

Fig8.4 Fragrance pouch exploration (2)

Fig8.5 Fragrance pouch exploration with final logo


Fig8.6 FINAL fragrance pouch overview (1)

Fig8.7 FINAL fragrance pouch ver.1

Fig8.8 FINAL fragrance pouch ver.2

WEEK 7/8
♡ For my photosrtip, I wanted to use a coloured background to make my graphical elements pop
1st draft design, without image testing

Fig9.1 Draft photostrip design (without image testing)
Fig9.2 Draft photostrip design (with image testing)

♡ I decided to let my graphical elements flow more freely instead of restricting myself. I also played with the sizes of the elements which helped create contrast/dimension to the photostrip.

Fig9.3 FINAL photostrip overview (without image testing)

♡ Initially I used all the same photos for my photostrip but I decided to switch up the images.

Fig9.4 Old photos used for phototstrip

Fig9.5 New photos used for photostrip


Fig9.6 FINAL photostrip ver.1

Fig9.7 FINAL photostrip ver.2

Fig9.8 FINAL photostrip ver.3

♡ QR poster will be displayed at the cashier so consumers can scan the QR code right after payment to sign up for the event. 

WEEK 11:
♡ Before generating my own QR code, I proceeded with creating the Google Forms first.

Fig10.1 Google Forms for We & Nature (Google Forms link)

♡ Unfortunately during my first trial at generating the QR code, I accidentally deleted my account on the website so my code couldn't work anymore. I had to generate a new QR code after that.

Fig10.2 Old & New QR code

// Google Forms is accepting response & QR code is scannable //

♡ First draft

Fig10.3 QR code poster exploration (1)

♡ Testing the poster on mock up

Fig10.4 Mock up test 

WEEK 12:
♡ During consultation, Ms Lilian mentioned that I don't have to hover the green box over my campaign logo as all this while (throughout my touchpoints) I left ampoule space around my logo.


Fig10.5 FINAL QR code poster

Fig10.6 FINAL mockup

Total of 2 different designs for this e-cert

WEEK 12:
♡ Lastly, I worked on my E-Certificate. I explored with 2 different types of layouts first as well as the typeface. I was unsure if I should use all uppercase or lowercase letters for the campaign joiner's name.
 In the end, I went with this design on the right (refer Fig11.1) as the one with all uppercase clashes with my other elements. 

Fig11.1 E-Certificate exploration (week 12)

♡ I also came up with draft copywriting for the email.

Fig11.2 Draft copywriting for email

Fig11.3 FINAL copywriting used for email

♡ The e-certificate will be sent to consumers who participated in the campaign after the campaign duration. I asked my friends (Shu Huan and Yi Qing) for their email so I could send them the e-cert and make the mock up look as real as possible. 

Fig11.4 Screenshot of the email sent to my friends


Fig11.5 FINAL e-cert (1)

Fig11.6 FINAL e-cert (2)

Fig11.7 FINAL e-cert (3)

Fig11.8 FINAL e-cert (4)

Fig11.9 FINAL e-cert (5)

Fig11.10 FINAL e-certifiate mock up

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Fig11.11 FINAL e-cert demo video (video link)

Fig12.1 FINAL Task 03 slides (canva link)
Fig12.2 FINAL Task 03 compilation slides (canva link)

Week 07 - 16/05/2023
Lecturer Feedback: 
 pencil type brush used for my elements looks more interesting and contrasting when put together with my background
 it could also give more texture but I can test both when designing
 logo direction right now is too organic
♡ using header typeface as logo may look too similar if we were to use it on a website
 try going for a simple logo instead of free flow
 would be a nice contrast to the rest of my component
 try looking at L’Ocitane’s brand direction (simple & classy)
 simple word mark, serif type
 present the campaign in a more approachable manner
 remember to document my sketches down and dont throw it away 
 OR simple elements could work for my logo
 can be a symbol to represent growth (growing trees)
♡ explore my logo abit more

Week 09 - 30/05/2023
Lecturer Feedback: 
♡ the idea of incorporating my graphical element into my wordmark is great
♡ try to make the 'leaf' (graphical element) to look like the '&' in We & Nature
♡ stacked up wordmark may look weird as there is a gap in between the '&' 
♡ wordmark presented in one line is better comapared to the one that's stacked up
♡ if the colour is textured, then the lines can be consistent (not textured)
♡ the graphical element looks nice but when applied to the fragrance pouch, it looses its quality
♡ maybe the pouch needs to be cleaner (like linen and not woven)
♡ frames without outline looks better, with frames looks too stiff
♡ put campaign logo into the photostrip
♡ explore the layout for poster abit more as it looks very straightforward currently (can be quite boring) make it look for interesting & free flow
♡ try working on the poster for the campaign first to solidify the style before working on the other touchpoints
♡ the ones with my images for the post looks better
♡ some posts can be a carousels instead, I don't have to cramp everything together
♡ progress report looks too 'straightforward & boring', make it look more fun & exciting

Week 10 - 06/06/2023
Lecturer Feedback: 
♡ changed visual style fits better with my fragrance pouch
♡ logo looks quite good but reduce the size a little
♡ brand image is starting to appear
♡ the darker toned image looks better
♡ first arrangement for the poster looks better
♡ 'reforestation campaign' looks better in a singular line
♡ icon can change to yellow colour (maybe)
♡ consider some posts to be carousels to have more room to play with the design
♡ complete draft website and promotional video next week

Week 11 - 13/06/2023
Lecturer Feedback: 
♡ move the location map to the 'join us now' page in the website
♡ the landing page using tree image looks better as it contrasts with my graphical element
♡ my issue is that I keep restricting myself by arranging the elements to look cleaner, try making the graphical elements different sizes and place them randomly instead (same goes to the graphical elements used in my social media and poster)
♡ yellow button looks more outstanding
♡ don't be too stiff when designing my website, might need to play around with some of my graphical elements on the images 
♡ can use 'burger bar' for my side bar instead
♡ some texts might not have to be wavy
♡ since my video has the glowy film effect, I can also use it in my visuals for my poster and social media posts because it ties in quite well with my proposed style
♡ remember to credit the sources at the end of my video
♡ some texts on the social media posts might be too small
♡ if it's a carousel post, the first one can be my visuals and consecutively it could be just solid colours with my graphical elements and information

Week 12 - 20/06/2023
Group Consultation Feedback: 
Consulted with Athiyah, Cecilia & Rebecca + Ms Lilian
♡ photostrip looks better compared to the last draft
♡ photostrip poster looks good too
♡ go with the one that looks darker (with filter) for poster
♡ elements on campaign poster is a little too busy and crowded
♡ can multiply layer or use elements as bg on the texts (poster)campaign logo needs to 
♡ have space around it (qr code)
♡ ending credits abit too fast (video)
♡ ‘what is’ change to about us or our story (social media)

Experience - 
I thought I would enjoy this task since I really had fun proposing my art direction in Task 2 :< but I think it was due to the fact that around Week 8 or 9, my burnout 'phase' started again which made me dislike whatever that I was designing. I was also less productive and creative which frustrated me since it affected my progress. During that phase, I was unsatisfied with whatever I designed. Luckily, after talking with my friends and consulting with Ms Lilian, I was able to slowly gain back my productivity. Around Week10 or so, I started feeling inspired again which allowed me to complete more designs than usual as compared to week 8/9. Slowly, I could see my work coming all together and I'm very happy (+ satisfied) that I was able to complete everything in time despite my shortcomings.  

Observations - 
Maintaining consistency is really important but I noticed that I sometimes struggle to with it especially when I already have a proposed art direction? It uusally takes me quite a few trial and error + lots of explorations to be able to fully match my proposed brand image. Sometimes, I would stray away from my art direction so I have to constantly remind myself to look back on it to make sure that I am on the right track! 

Findings - 
Trying to brand a campaign is not as easy as it seems. There are alot of thoughts and reasoning behind why each decision was made while designing. With this, I find that having a customer journey map plays a big role in this too as it helps us put ourselves into the shoes of a consumer. It helps us visualise what a consumer will be going through at each stage which I find can benefit our creative process. Since I had a timeline in Task 2, it really helped me stay on track as I have ready map out what I should be doing for each touchpoint. 


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