Digital & Social Media Communications - Final Compilation

06/04/2023 - 06/07/2023 / Week 01 - 14
Ellyn Saw Mei Hui / 0353358
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media 
Digital & Social Media Communications Final Compilation


 06.04.2023 Week 01
Lecture #1 - Introduction & guest lecture
For this week, Mr Asrizal briefed us through the MIB and explained what we have to do for each task. He also mentioned that we will have to form our own groups as the assignments will be group tasks. After that, we were told to attend a DESIAP lecture after the class.

DESIAP guest lecture


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  • Ellyn Saw Mei Hui 0353358
  • Ivy Jee Yi Jie 0346713
  • Loh Shu Huan 0349621
  • Tee Yi Qing 0343456
  • Thoo Hui Ying (Rebecca) 0350359
TASK 1 (WEEK 01) :
 Work in chosen group, observe anda analyse data from Google Merchandise Store
 Note down the data that catches our eye or with interesting patterns

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Fig1.1 FINAL task 1 - Google Analytics submission, PDF

TASK 2 & 3: 
 Work in the same group chosen for Task 1
♡ Find a client and propose our idea of creating / managing their social media for them
♡ 6-7 weeks of content, 3 posts per week with minimum 1 video

WEEK 02/3
♡ We were focused on finding our client for these 2 weeks. Initially we only focused on F&B (cafes) so we approched XOXO Cafe on campus but due to their response being slow, we decided to search for other clients. After discussing, we thought of enlarging our search radar to other brands like candles, soaps, etc to stregthen our chances of securing a client. We've sent out Instagram DMS, e-mails and everything but it was really difficult to get their response. So, I decided to search on Google for brands or companies that are hiring Social Media Interns and stumbled upon our client - Alocha Kombucha!

Fig1.2 Email to Alocha Kombucha

♡ After reaching out and setting an online meeting with our client, we proceeded to create a presentation slide to brief on our project and ask the client some questions regarding the brand.

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Fig1.3 Project briefing with client

Fig1.4 Online meeting with client on 21/4/2023

♡ This week we focused on analysing the social media of Alocha. Some of us worked together to analyse while some of us worked on content ideation. We wrote down all our ideas into a Google Sheet.
Fig1.5 Alocha Brand Analysis (PDF link)

♡ Proposal sent to client, approved on May 2nd, 2023
Fig1.6 Alocha proposal (PDF link)

Fig1.7 Proposal feedback from Ms Joanne (owner of Alocha)

♡ For optimal viewing, please view using Google Sheet instead!

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Fig2.1 FINALISED content ideas (Google Sheet link)


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Fig2.2 MAY 2023 content calendar (Google Sheet link)


<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Fig2.3 JUNE 2023 content calendar (Google Sheet link)


♡ This was our first week of content shooting and we decided to do it at my place! Ivy was the one who brought the drinks since our client passed it to her while me, Shu Huan and Yi Qing were in charge of preparing props for photoshooting! We started shooting arounf 11:30am and finished around 2pm. It was considered one of the hottest month in Malaysia so by noon it was sooooo hot that we were all suffering + sweating alot under the heat. Luckily there were wind and some clouds to block the sun if not I don't think we were able to continue shooting. 

Fig3.1 Behind the scenes @ the pool

♡ Contents shot at my place were some product shots

Fig3.2 Behind the scenes @ study room

 W1 POST: Summertime with Alocha & Picnic with Alocha

Fig3.2 Summertime with Alocha draft photos

Fig3.4 Picnic shoot #1

Fig3.5 Picnic shoot #2

♡ W2 POST: Packaging stop motion

Fig3.6 FINAL packaging stop motion reel (Link to video)

♡ On the same week, we also went to XOXO Cafe on campus to shoot for our 520 (Chinese Valentine's Day) post! We had to order some food/cakes for the shoot but by the end of the shoot you could already see the cake melting off as the food was served to us pretty late :( 

Fig3.7 Behind the scenes of 520 shoot

I was also the PIC of this content!
Fig3.8 FINAL 520 with Alocha reel (Link to video)

♡ Reel to promote Alocha Kombucha at Tastefully Food Expo! Idea inspired by the funny reel trend of 'What are you listening to?' (inspo source) 
This content was shot at campus and I was the PIC so I was also in charge of editing the clips together.

Fig3.9 FINAL Alocha x Tastefully Food Expo reel (Link to video)

♡ This week Alocha was participating in Tastefully Food Expo so me and the team went to on the first day of the expo, 9th June 2023 to shoot some contents! 

Fig4.1 At tastefully food expo

♡ Everyone in our group was present besides Shu Huan because she was sick :<

Fig4.2 Photo with our client

♡ Contents shot at Tastefully were 1L kombucha product shots

Fig4.3 1L kombucha product shots

♡ W4 POST: Wes Anderson x Alocha
Fig4.4 FINAL Wes Anderson x Alocha reel (Link to video)

♡ W5 POST: Interview with Alocha

Fig4.5 FINAL Interview with Alocha, PART 1

Fig4.6 FINAL Interview with Alocha, PART 2 (Link to video)

♡ I'm also PIC for the posts that will be mentioned down below besides some of the posts that has already been mentioned above.

♡ W3 POST: Your MBTI as Alocha Kombucha
♡ I was in charge of this post together with Shu Huan. Our parts were divided equally among each other. Besides that, I also looked around for the pngs of each MBTI character to make it easier for us to start designing. I started designing the post first and then shared the file over to Shu Huan so she can work on it after me!

Fig4.6 Draft MBTI design

Fig4.7 FINAL MBTI design

♡ W6 POST: OOTD with Alocha
♡ This is a video idea where I had to match my outfit colours together with the colours of the bottles of Alocha (inspo source). Initially, I wanted 2 people to work on this but since I'm the only one in our group with all colourful outfits matched so I did it on my own.

Fig4.8 FINAL OOTD with Alocha reel (Link to video)


Overall feedback from Ms Joanne (Founder of Alocha Kombucha)
She thinks that we work together very well as a team and she also like our working style as we are very efficient and also constantly update her on our progress. Eventhough this was our first time creating contents for a kombucha brand, she said that we are able to adapt very well. It so happens that she's also very satisfied with our work so she also offered us to continue working with her throughout the year.

Experience - 
This module made me realised what I wanted to work as in the future - managing and creating social media contents! I was very excited during the briefing of this module and I can say it was a very refreshing experience working with a client. Although, I was pretty worried at first since we had a difficult time securing our clients but I'm glad everything played out in the end. This task gave me a new prespective and allowed me to experience how it's like creating contents for a client! Our client - Ms Joanne from Alocha Kombucha was really friendly and open to new ideas! She was very nice to us so it made this experience even better. Overall it was really nice to have a module that was outside of just lecture and design.

Observations - 
I observed that different platforms such as Instagram, TiktTok, etc have different trends for content. For example, ASMR drink making is really popular on TikTok and the chinese app 'Little Red Book'. However, the engagement wasn't as great when we posted it on Instagram. I also observed that the time of posting is really important. The person managing the social media must be aware of when / what time their users will usually be active. Some of our postings did not get much engagement because our client sometimes posts on 10 - 11pm on a Monday night :') Moreover, the content has to cater to each brand's target audience. I noticed that for our client, postings with more of human photography or reels gets more engagement compared to graphical posts.

Findings - 
I realised the importance of project tracking! I also found that I'm particularly great at organising the project tracking sheet since I was the one in our group constantly updating the Google Sheets! It really helped us in keeping track of our progress. I also found that having motivated & hardworking people in a team is really important! I am grateful that my group is filled with people like that so it really makes the whole production process much more smoother.


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