Publishing Design Task 02 - Content generation

30/08/2022 - 20/09/2022 / Week 01 - 05
Ellyn Saw Mei Hui / 0353358
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media 
Publishing Design Task 02


♡ All lectures and recordings completed in 


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♡ For this task, we are to generate content for our book and it should be 3000 words. The write-up should at least have 3 chapters, 1 pull quote per chapter and 1 subtext.
 The content of our book can be written by ourselves or retrieved from the internet. 
 I decided to write the story on my own and went with a thriller theme.
♡ Hours spent: 1 day including the writing of my story.

“What will you choose between love and friendship?” 
What are the extreme lengths you will go just to achieve something or perhaps getting someone that you want? This story is about how an ordinary university party turned upside down all of a sudden.

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Fig 1.1 FINAL content
 Before starting on the visuals, Mr Vinod told us to look for potential visual references and identify the ones we feel fit with our story.

Fig 1.2 Visual references from Pinterest

#ATTEMPT 1_PROGRESS ( 02/09/2022 )  :
♡ I started to illustrate a few of the scenes after compiling all the visual references that I have found. At first, the colour theme I went for was inspired by Stranger Things. I wanted to go with a darker colour scheme since my book is a thriller based book. 

Fig 2.1 Visuals attempt 1

#ATTEMPT 2_PROGRESS ( 02/09/2022 )  :
♡ During the feedback session, Mr Vinod mentioned that I could use the colour theme from my visual reference instead so I decided to try his suggestion. Besides, I was also told to make my visuals consistent with each other so that was what I did next. The result turned out better than I expected and I was very satisfied with the outcome after refining all my visuals so I decided to stay with the selected colour scheme and art direction!

♡ In the figure below are the final colour theme that I decided upon and the 2nd attempts of my visuals. I also discarded the 2nd visual in the first row because Mr Vinod mentioned that it looks too vague.

Fig 2.2 Visuals attempt 2

♡ In figure 2.3, the longest artboard shows all my trial and errors while creating my visuals.
Fig 2.3 Overview of my attempts
"He is once again left all alone in this empty house." 

Fig 3.1 Visual #1 (Introduction)
Chapter 1:
"It was their job to welcome and assist new students in a whole new environment." 

Fig 3.2 Visual #2 (Chapter 1)

"He also hated that he had to pretend he was fine in front of Mark and Crystal."

Fig 3.3 Visual #3 (Chapter 1)

Chapter 2:
"Crystal had called Mark half an hour before the party started to ask him for a favour."

Fig 3.4 Visual #4 (Chapter 2)

"As he had a few warm-up drinks and was already a little tipsy."

Fig 3.5 Visual #5 (Chapter 2)

"Drown his sorrows away using alcohol because that’s the only way he couldn’t feel the pain inside his heart and the depressing thoughts."

Fig 3.6 Visual #6 (Chapter 2)

"Players are selected by spinning an empty bottle for this game."

Fig 3.7 Visual #7 (Chapter 2)

"Go inside the closet."
Fig 3.8 Visual #8 (Chapter 2)

"Mark could've sworn he saw a hint of anger in the latter's eyes."

Fig 3.9 Visual #9 (Chapter 2)

"Find the perfect confession gift for Johnny."

Fig 3.10 Visual #10 (Chapter 2)
Chapter 3:
"He hoped that this was all a nightmare." 

Fig 3.11 Visual #11 (Chapter 3)

"Johnny takes out a knife."

Fig 3.12 Visual #12 (Chapter 3)

"Johnny was still holding the knife full of Mark’s blood in his hand."

Fig 3.13 Visual #13 (Chapter 3)

"Saw a beautifully decorated table."

Fig 3.14 Visual #14 (Chapter 3)

"You're my moon, my stars, you're my sunrises and sunsets."

Fig 3.15 Visual #15 (Chapter 3)

"Like a gun being shot through his heart."

Fig 3.16 Visual #16 (Chapter 3)
Extra visuals:
♡ These are some extra visuals that I did. Decided to include them into the final submission because I'm planning to use them in my book too! :)
Fig 3.17 Extra visuals (1)

Fig 3.18 Extra visuals (2)

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Fig 4.1 Final visuals PDF

Fig 4.2 (CMYK) Final visuals thumbnail JPEG

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Fig 4.3 (CMYK) Final visuals thumbnail PDF

 Part A - 8 hours (Content generation, Identifying pull-quote, subtext, visual reference etc)
 Part B - 21 hours (Illustrations, including all attempts)

Week 03 - 13/09/2022
General Feedback:  
- When creating illustrations, it must be at least 2 times bigger than our book - Show at least 4/5 visuals next week - Update portfolio task 1 & 2
Lecturer Feedback: 
- Knife illustration is good but instead of blood maybe could reserve it for one knife or make one of the knives look like it's breaking and the others will look the same. - Reconcile the styles, bring them together - Be careful of the line thickness, try to maintain a consistent line thickness - Work out a colour palette so that I don't stray away by using the different colour palettes, can extract the colours from visual reference if I like the colours - Neutral shades are very important too. - Could be more experimental instead of typical illustrations of whole things/scenarios

Week 04 - 20/09/2022
General Feedback:  
- Think outside of the box, draw or illustrate from another pov instead of first person pov
- We can also try to adjust the visuals to create a more interesting effect (crop visuals, etc)
Lecturer Feedback: 
- Interesting execution for the 16 visuals, a much better colour palette than last week
- Mr Vinod mentioned that he likes the knife visual and the shape of the knife is a bit weird so it makes it kinda cool. The smiley broken into half is interesting and the one with the blinds is also cool
- Overall the visuals are kinda mysterious and it does engage the viewer
- The only one with an issue is the one with the eye,  it’s kinda vague

Experience - 
After the briefing of this task, I knew immediately that I had to write a thriller or crime story because I had been watching waaay too many commentary videos on true crime and thriller stories. I wouldn't say constructing is easy (because it is not) but it was still manageable! It was quite interesting to think of ways the story could be written. Now the tough part is creating 16 visuals. I was afraid of not being able to maintain a consistent art direction. Also having to think of how the visuals is gonna look like without knowing how the final layout will look like was a challenge :( However, I still found this task in general quite enjoyable! Although there were many other assisgnments ongoing together with this one, with proper time management I was able to complete this in time.

Observations - 
I observed that there are actually many ways to create visuals. We should always try to think in a different point of view / perspective. The visuals that we create does not necessarily have to be a direct translation of our sentences, it could be in a metaphoric sense.  

Findings - 
Similarly, I found that there are actually various ways to convey your story to others. It was quite interesting when Mr Vinod showed an example of how one of the seniors hand painted the visuals for his own book! It was also very cool to see images being used to make collages. I also found that by cropping the visuals it may also add a hint of dynamics to the book.


How to write a Thriller in 7 ways

Before I started to write my story, I actually went to look at how to properly write a thriller book. This blog talks about how to write a Thriller in 7 heart-stopping ways. It talks about the differences between thriller, msystery and suspense fiction. There are also subgenres of Thriller which was interesting to learn about. 
  • We should always give a motive (clear direction) to our characters. 
  • Show what's at stake, ex: a dissapearance of someone may cause the family to be shattered or shocked while trying to find out what happened.
  • Bring in twists and build up the climax


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