Packaging & Merchandising Design Final Project

11/11/2022 - 30/11/2022 / Week 11 - 14
Ellyn Saw Mei Hui / 0353358
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media 
Packaging & Merchandising Design Final Project


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♡ Innitially, for this task we are to come up with 4 merchandise and 1 POP display. But since our product is frozen and we are unable to use a POP display we decided not to do it. The final merchandise we chose are Banner, Freezer, Cooler bag, Tupperware, Plate and Wet Tissue.

Task segregation: 
Banner -  Shu Huan
Freezer - Ellyn
Cooler Bag - Ivy
Tupperware - Hui Ying (Rebecca)
Plate - Yiqing
Wet Tissue - Ivy

PROGRESS ( 11/11/2022 ) :  
♡ We decided to design our merchandise based on the final chosen design. After the task segregation, I started to design the freezer.

Fig 1.1 FINAL chosen design

Fig 1.2 FINAL freezer design

♡ After the feedback session, Mr Shamsul told us to come up with another 2 more merchandise ideas so we decided to add a plate and wet tissue. Below are the overview of everything except for the wet tissue design as Ivy was not done with it yet.

Fig 1.3 Overview of our merchandise

Fig 2.1 FINAL banner design

Fig 2.2 FINAL freezer design

Fig 2.3 FINAL lunch box design

Fig 2.4 FINAL plate design

Fig 2.5 FINAL wet wipes design

Fig 2.6 FINAL cooler bag design

POSTER ( 26/11/2022 ) :  
♡ We found our from food science students that our grpup was chosen to be presented at Innofest together with their product so we were  asked to come up with a poster design. The size will be in A2 and the poster should include the product packaging, USP and our names. Me and Shu Huan decided to volunteer for desigining the poster.

Task segregation: 
Poster sketch - Shu Huan
Poster design - Ellyn

♡ After recieving the sketch idea from Shu Huan, I started the poster design. Along the way we both did input our ideas and helped each other out. I constantly updated Shu Huan through Whatsapp while working on the poster so she could also give me some of her thoughts and opinions!

Fig 3.1 Poster sketch idea

Initially, we wanted to include space to put images of food science students but after consulting with them, they told us we could either leave the space empty or include our own image. 

Fig 3.2 Poster progress

♡ We decide not to include our own images so we left the space empty. This is how the final poster  design looks like!
Fig 3.3 Poster design

♡ We were told that the Innofest will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday (29&30th) so me and Shu Huan actually went to the venue on Tuesday. Sadly we were informed that Sweetpoballs group will only be there on Wednesday (30th). Unfortunately we were unable to attend the Innofest on Wednesday but food science students were kind enough to send us pictures of our designs at the event!

Fig 4.1 Our designs at Innofest

Fig 4.2 Our poster at Innofest

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Fig 5.1 FINAL project submission, pdf slides

I felt like this semester ended in a blink of an eye. The first class for this module felt like yesterday and suddenly we’re already wrapping up the module. The task load felt quite heavy even from the beginning as we had to prepare our materials and print out our packaging. I think I went to 2 art shops in a day just to find the materialI wanted. However, this module was very enjoyable and fun for me as we get to do hands on tasks compared to the other modules. We also got to our Mereka space, 3D printing and carpentry workshop on campus which was so cool! This module also gave me an insight as to how packagings are design, made and also learning about the display system for food packaging. Though the task where we redesign a McDonald's packaging was interesting, my favourite task would have to be the one where we are required to work together with food science students. It really felt like I was back to the working industry all over again and designing for my own client. It was an exciting project and I feel extra satisfied with it because our group was chosen to be featured at Innofest alongside food science student's creation (the sweet potato balls). I thank my groupmates and also students from food science for being so cooperative and friendly! I also really enjoyed this module as Mr Shamsul is the only lecturer out of many to actually teach us something during our lecture session. Most of our lecturers require us to just watch online lectures or read at home so I am very greatful that sir will take his time to explain each lesson during class hours.  Finally, a huge thank you to Mr Shamsul for his guidance and support. He is always so patient and friendly with us and never hesitates to help us when we are struggling with something. Thank you for the constructive feedbacks always given to help us improve our work! This whole semester felt like a roller coaster ride and sadly, this journey has come to an end now :( Hopefully I am able to be in Mr Shamsul's module again in the next semester! Thank you so much sir!


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