Packaging & Merchandising Design - Project 2

05/10/2022 - 30/11/2022 / Week 08 - 14
Ellyn Saw Mei Hui / 0353358
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media 
Packaging & Merchandising Design Project 2 


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♡ This task is a collaboration between TDS students and food science students.  
♡ Another unique point for this task: This is also a task in collaboration with Kawan Food so we will also be working to design a packaging for Kawan Food.
♡ For this task, my group consists of myself, Hui Ying (Rebecca), Yiqing, Shu Huan and Ivy. The final group name we decided is 'Honey Bunny'!

PROGRESS ( 05/10/2022 ) :  
♡ The snacks were allocated to us by Mr Shamsul and the snack that my group got was Banana Sweet Potato Balls (made with banana blossom). Food science students also presented to us their ideas and the product itself. After the presentation, each group can start working on the packaging with all the necessary informations provided by food science. Unfortunately their product name was too long so my group  decided to shorten itto 'Sweetpoballs' - derrived from Banana Sweet Potato Balls. Each of us in the group decide to come up with 5 different designs and we will narrow down from there. The version that I'm working on is suppose to reflect Kawan Food's identity.

♡ After the presentation, I started sketching out my idea before designing.

Fig 1.2 Packaging design ideation

♡ Below are all the versions that I came up with. Most of them has the same colour scheme with just difference in their layout.

Fig 2.1 Packaging design (overview)

Fig 2.2 Packaging design (1)

Fig 2.3 Packaging design (2)

Fig 2.4 Packaging design (3)

♡ Discussion with food science student on Friday, 4th of November (5pm). 
The dicsussion was mainly to update the students from food science about our progression as well as showing them our draft designs. They also gave us their opinions on all of our designs.

Fig 2.5 Discussion on 4th of November

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Fig 2.6 Presentation slides with food science students

AMENDED VERSION  (09/11/2022) :  
♡ After recieving feedback from both food science students and Mr Shamsul during tutorial on the 9th of November, I proceeded to make the necessary changes that was suggested by food science.

Fig 3.1 FINAL design (front)

Fig 3.2 FINAL design (back)

Fig 3.3 FINAL design mockup

(09/11/2022) :
♡ We were also told to work on a planogram by Mr Shamsul and the food science students to showcase how our designs will look like with the competitor's packaging. It took me quite some time to find a good planogram mockup that works :(( My idea is to showcase our designs on a chiller/freezer planogram since our product is frozen food but all the planograms are either not suitable or we have to pay for it. After carefully looking around, I managed to find one that works.

Fig 4.1 planogram progress

Fig 4.2 planogram door closed (1)
Fig 4.3 planogram door open (2)

PLANOGRAM CHANGES (27/11/2022) :
♡ After fininalising the design, I decided to redo the planogram. This time I decided to make it neater.
Fig 4.4 NEW planogram


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Fig 4.5 Presentation slides with kawan food on 11th of November

♡ Out of all the 5 designs, our final choice is to go with Yiqing's design! Below is the digital version and mockup of Yiqing's packaging design.
Fig 5.1 FINAL submission, mockup for project 2
Fig 5.2 FINAL submission, digital design for project 2

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Fig 5.3 FINAL slides submission for project 2


Week 10 - 02/11/2022
Lecturer Feedback:
- Be mindful of the hierachy of information (there needs to be flow)
- Strategise our presentation slide
- The choice of text and how I made it is good 
- Design is very kawan food style
- First attempt looks nicer than second one
- Good choice with the images chose
- Since I’m not done yet so maybe with more informations it will flow better
- I can also create banana and banana blossom icons to indicate that the product is made from both banana and banana blossoms

Week 11 - 11/11/2022
Lecturer Feedback:
- Our group's design is by far the best one
- It shows that we did enough research for this task
- Packaging looks very realistic


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