Brand Corporate Identity - Task 02

13/09/2022 - 04/10/2022 / Week 03 - 06
Ellyn Saw Mei Hui / 0353358
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media 
Brand Corporate Identity Task 02


 20.09.2022 Week 04
Lecture #4 - Brand Ideals
A brand is a person's gut feeling that we cannot control. However, we can influence it by communicating the qualities that make the product different from others. The term 'ideal' connotes the satisfaction of one's conception of what is perfect. A brand ideal is a higher purpose of a brand. Brand ideals founded on sound perennial values foster and engender a sense of purpose in all who subscribe and believe in those larger goals. Ideals are essential to a creative process. 
  1. Vision requires big ideas sustained by individuals who have the ability to see what others couldn't and the tenacity to deliver what they believe is possible.
  2. Meaning - the best brand stands for something. A big idea, a strategic position or a defined set of values. Meaning is rarely immediate and it evolves over time. Designers transform meaning into visual form and expression.
  3. Authenticity - is not possible without an organization having clarity about its market, positioning, competitive differences, etc. Refers to self-knowledge and making decisions that are based on that knowledge itself.
  4. Differentiation - Why should consumers choose one brand over others? Brands need to make themselves different from others and demonstrate it so consumers will know. 
  5. Sustainability is the ability to have longevity in an environment with constant flux.
  6. Coherence - A brand must feel familiar and have the desired effect.
  7. Flexibility - An effective brand identity positions a company for change and growth in the future. It supports an evolving strategy. Innovation requires brands to be flexible.
  8. Commitment - Organisations need to ensure all people engaged with the brand have complete motivation and dedication in order for it to succeed.
  9. Value - Creating values is the biggest goal of most organizations. Values help promote and sustain the brand. 
Brands that operate from a higher purpose are successful for 2 reasons. First, they better equip their employees to explore their intuition and imagination to address the changing reality as it unfolds. Secondly, they create deep relationships with customers who are yearning for connection and for participation in something that is bigger than themselves. 

 27.09.2022 Week 05 
Lecture #5 - Brand Positioning
Brand positioning is a process of positioning your brand in the mind of your customers. It is also referred to as a positioning strategy, brand strategy or brand positioning statement. In total, there are 4 types of brand positioning strategies.
  1. Arm wrestling - trying to be the market leader and beat the others at their own game. Cons: they take a lot of time and money. (E.g - Coke and Pepsi)
  2. Big fish, smaller pond - Focus is on a niche market within a larger market that is beiung underserved, where the larger player is not meeting a specific need.
  3. Reframe the market - Reframes an existing market in new terms. It would work if the product or service features innovative designs and changes in market needs. 
  4. Change the game - Reserved for when there is no market category such as Uber or Grab. The brand is the first of its' kind and gets to invent their own market. CONS: Without any major barriers such as patents or copyrights, people may be able to copy and beat you before you have the chance to establish yourself.
To determine brand positioning, we must first identify our brand's uniqueness and determine what differentiatour competitors and usors. There are 4 essential elements ofbest-in-classass positioning statement. Target customerMarket definitionBrand promise and Reason to believe

Positioning VS Differentiation 
Positioning is a strategy process marketers use to determine the place an offering should occupy in the given market while differentiation (closely related to positioning) is the process companies use to make a product or service stand out from their competitors. 

Once there is a strong brand positioning statement, we can create a tagline or slogan that helps establish the position. Brand positioning statements are different from company taglines as the statement is for internal use. It guides the marketing and operating decisions of the business. A tagline is an external statement used in marketing.  

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♡ For this task, we are to pay attention to our surroundings and collect a total of 28 logos.
♡ Get pictures of the logo we see anywhere and compile them into one PPT slide.
♡ Pictures of logos can be retrieved from any websites, etc. (must credit the source if so!)
♡ Analyse the logo and articulate them in words. (determine what type of logo they are and if they are good or bad logos)

*Ms Lilian had mentioned watching the prerecorded lecture on the types of logos before starting this task!*


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♡ Identify a brand or an occupation 
♡ Produce sketches for your own brand's logo
♡ Digitise and submit a complete analysis of our own logo

PROGRESS ( WEEK 1 - 30/08/2022 ) :  
*prepare inside google docs and must be shown on week 2
♡ Choose any 3 career choices (if we are not pursuing graphic design)
♡ Brand name & rationalise
♡ The type of service our brand provides
♡ Target audience
♡ How would our brand be different from others

After discussing the pros and cons with Ms Lilian, Lovebomb seems to be the better fit compared to the other 2 ideas as there are many types of collaterals I can do for Lovebomb but not the other two.

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Fig 1.2 Three career choice PDF

WEEK 2 - 06/09/2022 : 
 Produce 2 mind maps and 20 logo sketches
1. Business mind map
- the brand will be the centre of the mind map
- branch off based on what the business is about
- the kind of things or services the brand provide
- think about if the brand needs a physical store
- think of the overall concept of the brand + demographics
- background story / potential competitors, etc.

Fig 2.1 Business mind map

2. Brand name mind map
- any possible ideas/concepts and keywords related to the brand name.

Fig 2.2 Brand name mind map

In the feedback session on week 3 (13/09), Ms Lilian mentioned that some of the words in my brand name mind do not relate to the brand name so she asked me to change some of the words inside the mind map. She told me to think of the brand name more literally. Eg: Love is related to red, affection, and romantic while bomb is related to burst, explode, and war.

Fig 2.3 NEW brand name mind map

3. 20 sketches, A4 paper, black pen or pencil ONLY (no eraser allowed)
 Before starting the sketches, I looked for some visual references on Pinterest to see what could potentially be the 'art style' that I am looking for and going for. After that,  I came up with various types of sketches that are related to my brand name. Personally, after finishing the sketch, I prefer the ones with the heart-shaped mascot!

Fig 3.1 Moodboard

Fig 3.2 (20)sketches, attempt 1

 After discussing with Ms Lilian, below are the ones that she advised me to explore more. 

Fig 3.3 Chosen ones

WEEK 3 - 13/09/2022 : 
 This week, we were told to sketch another 20 sketches for our logo. I started to explore more on the ones that Ms Lilian told me to focus on.

Fig 3.4 (20) sketches, attempt 2

WEEK 4 - 20/09/2022 : 
 Sketch another 20 since Ms Lilian said our ideas are not there yet. She also mentioned that we could start digitising a few that we think are good to go after sketching. 

Fig 3.5 (20) sketches, attempt 3

1ST DIGITISATION - 20/09/2022 : 
 1st attempt, following Ms Lilian's advice, I started to digitise my mascot first after being done with my sketches. I also tried to created the bubbly and cloud letters to fit my logo. Fig 4.1 shows the rough draft of how the clouded letters looks like. Letters, E, B and M has 2 types of variation.

Fig 4.1 Digitisation draft 1 - mascot and letters

WEEK 5 - 27/09/2022 : 
 This week Ms Lilian started off by briefing us about the requirements we have to submit for this task. Then, she mentioned that we could start finalising our logo and look for potential typeface and colours for our logo. We can also start creating patterns if we want to.

2ND DIGITISATION - 27/09/2022 : 
 2nd attempt, I started to explore the different layouts of my logo together with my mascot as well as using different colour themes. My biggest mistake here is to contruct the logo first and then only make the grids later when in fact I should've made the grids first before my logo construction. I also tried to arrange my logo together with my brand's tagline.

Fig 4.2 Digitisation draft 2 - cloud typeface

♡ After experimenting with the clouded typeface, I decided to try out my logo with an existing typeface called 'BubbleGum'. I found that the typeface is not very rounded so I decided to create outlines on the text and then manipulate the rounded corners (as shown in Fig 3.7). After  that I experimented with different pastel colour pallete and also the position of my tagline.

Fig 4.3  Digitisation draft 3 - BubbleGum typeface

Fig 4.4  Digitisation draft 4 exploring colours and tagline position

WEEK 6 - 04/10/2022 : 
 During the feedback session, Ms Lilian mentioned that she liked the one with the clouded hearts but she's just worried about the negative spaces in my logo as well as the clouded typeface used. She told me to construct another 4 logo (in class) using the clouded hearts but without the clouded typeface. Instead she told me to use the rounded typeface as well as 2 other different kinds of layout to see which one works best. 
 Fig 4.5 shows the final 4 choice. Ms Lilian said she picks No.2 because it looks much better. As for No. 3 it seems like my mascot is hiding behind the letters so it's just not working out. Initially, I was told me to go with No. 4 since I like it so much but I was worries about the strokes being too thin (and almost non visible) when resizing. So my final choice is No. 2!

Fig 4.5 Final 4 choice

3RD DIGITISATION - 04/10/2022 : 
 After finalising the logo I will be using, I started to experiment with different positions of my letters. For example, overlapping and non overlapping the letters. Besides, Ms Lilian also told me to find another simple typeface for my tagline so that was what I did next. Then I started to work of the different patterns derrived from my logo.

The 4 typeface family I explored with are:
  • Lora 
  • Merriweather
  • Open Sans
  • Arial Rounded MT Bold (FINAL CHOICE)

Fig 4.6 Final logo layout, tagline typeface and patterns

GRID & GIF - 04/10/2022 : 
♡ This was the part I struggled the most ;') creating the grids for my logo. 

Fig 4.7 Constructing grids

♡ Then I started to work on my gif in Photoshop. The reason for using PS for the gif is because my AE crashed and also I'm more familiar with creating gifs using PS. The direction I'm going with for LOVEBOMB's gif is making the letters appear one by one, creating a 'heart beat' effect and also  making the mascots wink.

Fig 4.8 Gif story board

Fig 4.9 Gif progress in PS

Fig 4.10 LOVEBOMB.gif

♡ BCI - FORMAT A4 LANDSCAPE, margin space 20mm (at least 2cm, nothing to be lay outside of the margin) As for Inside the margin on bottom left, put out description, use only helvetica or arial, 9 pt UPPERCASE 
♡ Layout over 3 pages - bnw colour and reverse - bind logo in a black box to create reverse logo  colour = suggested colourspace rationalization, how to proportionately to position logo (refer to link)
♡ Clearspace, must be derrived from a component of our logo, pick an element and use that to measure the space around our logo to give it clear space
♡ Strapline = tagline logo with rationale, take rationale typeset it and put beside logo
♡ Logo min size - how small can our logo be, consider width and height, most importantly is visibility
♡ Primary n secondary colours - brand primary and secondary colours (what colours are the best to compliment our brand) 
♡ Logo or brand typeface - indicate or suggest a brand typeface (on different page)
♡ Patterns are derrived from logo - components in our logo we can take apart to create patterns (min 2 patterns) do not distort or change our components
♡ Logo animation - either to be done in ae or ps


Fig 5.1 Logo in B&W

Fig 5.2 Logo in Reverse

Fig 5.3 Logo in Colour

Fig 5.4 Logo space rationalisation

Fig 5.5 Logo clearspace

Fig 5.6 Logo with Strapline

Fig 5.7 Logo with Rationale

Fig 5.8 Logo minimum size

Fig 5.9 Primary and Secondary colours

Fig 5.10 Brand Typeface

Fig 5.11 Patterns derrived from logo - letter 'L'

Fig 5.112 Patterns derrived from logo - heart mascot

Fig 5.13 Patterns derrived from logo - heart and bomb mascot 1

Fig 5.14 Patterns derrived from logo - heart and bomb mascot 2

Fig 5.15 Patterns derrived from logo - letter 'B'


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Fig 6.2 LOVEBOMB.gif

Week 02 - 06/09/2022
Lecturer Feedback: 
- Ms Lilian mentioned that all 3 career choices are quite unique and different.
- Lovebomb is the best option since there are many things I can design for the collaterals. It will be a little harder to design collaterals for a tarot card reader and mental health therapist.

Week 03 - 13/09/2022
Lecturer Feedback: 
- The brand purpose could be changed to brand values instead since the items noted down are more towards values.
- Explore more with the brand name mind map since some of the items written there are more related to the business mind map.
- For the brand name mind map, think of it more towards the name itself (Eg: love relates to heart affection etc and bomb refers to war, chaos etc ).
- For the logo sketches, some of them only relate to love and not the bomb elements while I did a great job with some.
- For the next 20 sketches, I should explore more the idea of the little heart mascot since it reflects my brand identity and also think of how the brand name should be arranged to make the logo work.
Week 04 - 20/09/2022
General Feedback: 
(General feedback of BCI group task 1)
- Netflix research was quite well done
- Reflects good understanding of the different aespects of the brand
- Overall good research done on the given framework
- Stronger research that came from this task

Lecturer Feedback:
(BCI group task 1)
- Presentation reflects my own analysis
- Very clear on the information given and backed by good research
- Good understadning of the selected brand - Netflix
- Final section of communication brand strategy is complimented by 2 visuals but there’s still room for improvement

(Task 2B, sketches)
- Overall a good job is done.
- The direction the logo is going to go reflects the brand like the logo could look like potential charms of my shop.
- For digitisation, I can explore more about the typeface and the form of my mascot.

Week 05 - 27/09/2022
Lecturer Feedback:
Overall good progress but i can try to digitise and develop the one with the letters and the logo itself. Try different typefaces to see which fits the most. 

Week 06 - 04/10/2022
Lecturer Feedback:
- Negative space in between my lettering that is very hard to balance
- Rounded typeface looks better than the cloud ones because it is more obvious
- The B overlapping looks nicer than the ones thats not overlapping
- Two of the same elements in my logo wont be nice bcs it blends together 
- (After changes) 3rd one not so strong bcs the characters look likes they are hiding 
- After changes, negative space looks much more distinct, clear up space will look better
- Before constructing the digitised ver we need to consider the grid
- I can use circle for the grids, overview of the curve area of the heart
- Current tagline typeface will not work if its resize, simple san serif will work, dont want it to look too decorative 
- Patterns can be derived from the mascot (the bomb & the heart) or even use the clouded heart
- White space rationalise can use the eyes of my mascot bcs if I choose to use the bomb the space will be be too big 
- Logo colour can only be in 1 colour, since the other colours are my brand colours I can choose to use blue and pink together (ms lilian said its nice)


- (Logo) Min size stroke of logo is a little too thin when zoomed out so I should increase the size a little more to about 35mm 
- I also asked Ms Lilian to clarify what she meant by "visual literacy" and she mentioned that my design  style is targeted to a very specific audience. I should look at various types of visual references to get the exposure needed.

Experience -
Overall I found this task to be quite fun as I am desiging for my own brand that already exists in the market. This task allowed me to learn more about the different types of logo and how a logo is constructed (the process). I actually caught a nasty cold and wasn't feeling well for a week but thankfully I still managed to complete everything in time. One thing I learnt is to never construct a logo first. I should always determine the grids and then only construct the logo. I really had a difficult time trying to create the grids for my logo. Lastly, all of my lecturers kept on emphasisng that this semester will be the hardest as there will be various heavy tasks ongoing at once but I found that with proper time management and self-discipline, it was more manageable than I thought it would be (of course with the help of multiple sleepless nights :P ).

Observations - 
I observed that designing a good logo is not as easy as it seems. Alot of effort, hard work and time are spent into every logo construction and after this task it made me appreciate people who does work related to branding for a living. It also takes alot of trial and error, thought process and exploration to make the logo look nice and presentable. I also observed that it is easy to get carried away when constructing logo with colours. As Ms Lilian said, we should ALWAYS finalise the b&w version of the logo first before adding colours into it.

Findings - 
I found that there are many logos around us that actually has hidden meaning and also how they are constructed. Through this task, I found that there are many things to consider when desigining a logo. Analysing in Task 2A really helped me in understanding these. 


This website talks about what is logo grid, how it is consctructed and why we should use it. Using a logo grid can the design process be more organised. It can also help maintain visual consistency and avoid making the logo too cluterred.


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