Packaging & Merchandising Design Task 01 - Exercises

31/08/2022 - 05/10/2022 / Week 01 - 05
Ellyn Saw Mei Hui / 0353358
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media 
Packaging & Merchandising Design Exercises


 31.08.2022 Week 01 
Hari Merdeka - Public Holiday 
 07.09.2022 Week 02 
This week Mr Shamsul started the class by briefing us about this module and introducing us to Ms April (from Mereka Space). After the briefing, Mr Shamsul took us around campus to visit the 3D printing room and carpentry workshop. Besides that, Ms April also guided us around Mereka Space.

Fig 1.1 3D printing & carpentry workshop 

Fig 1.2 Mereka space

 14.09.2022 Week 03 
Introduction to packaging

Fig 1.3 Week class (hybrid)
  • make some changes to packaging ppt (ex1, include price point, finishing, etc) talk more detail about the small details
  • packaging is a crucial part of our daily life
  • impacts the way we live in the global society
  • meet the demands of changing consumption, locations and occasions

Packaging as a salesperson 

- communicates to the consumers by showing the brand or flavour, etc.

  • evolved over centuries
  • produced to meet a need
  • greater the need, the more energetic the response from consumers
  • almost everything we buy is sold in some sort of packaging; to preserve freshness, prevent contamination or protect from damage
  • a creative business that connects visual elements with product info to make a product suitable for marketing.
  • serves to contain, protect, transport, dispense, store, identify and distinguish products in a marketplace.


  • protect the product from all sorts of things like shock, vibration, etc. (eg. the egg box in recycled, moulded card pulp. is functional and protects the eggs inside)
  • inform the consumers of the product info
  • some types of information are required (by law) by the local governments of certain nations
  • to quickly and safely transport the product (from manufacturer to the store to the consumer)
  • communication: how to stand out from the competition? reflects the brand
  • attractively display
  • encourage potential consumers to purchase (marketing)


  • visual problem solving is at the core of packaging design
Fig 1.4 Sir talking about packaging


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♡ Case study on an already existing packaging design
♡ Packaging concept,  practicality, functionality and ergonomics
♡ Functions, forms, structure, materials, layers etc.
♡ Target audience, design elements (colour, typography, imagery etc), product information and also how the packaging aligns with the brand image

PROGRESS ( 08/09/2022 ) :  
After class, I went back home and looked around to see if  I have any packaging laying around. Then I remembered that a day before this I actually bought a new set of Sylvanian families for my accessory shop so I decided to use its packaging for this exercise.

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Fig 1.5 FINAL Packaging Design case study slides submission, 17th Sept 2022

♡ Choose 2 loose items and create packaging for it
♡ Item size not more than 300mm (30cm)
♡ Packaging design may refer to templates online

PROGRESS ( 15/09/2022 ) :  
♡ At first, I chose a hand sanitiser spray and a button badge but Mr Shamsul told me to change the button badge with something else since a badge doesn't really need packaging. So I decided to change my second item to a lip tint.

ITEM #1: Hand Sanitiser spray

Fig 2.1 Item #1 Hand sanitiser

After finding visual references, I started to sketch out how I wanted my box to look like. With the sketch done, I began to digitise the mock up and test printed on an A4 paper to see if it works.

Fig 2.2 Item #1 box sketch

For my first test print I forgot to draw one flap on the bottom of the box. Lucky I test printed it before finalising becasue this allowed me to know where my mistakes are at.

Fig 2.3 Hand sanitiser packaging test print

Fig 2.4 Packaging test print error

Initially, I wanted to make a differet type of box for the hand sanitiser but because of measurements error, the test print box turned out too big or too small so I decided to change my box layout.

Fig 2.5 Failed attempts

ITEM #2: Peripera lip tint

Fig 2.6 Item #2 Lip tint

Fig 2.7 Item #2 box sketch

Fig 2.8 Lip tint packaging test print

Since last week was online class, I couldn't make it to campus to use the laser cutting machine so I decided to booked a time slot with Ms April to use the machine at mereka space on the 4th of October. I prepared 2 types of materials as I didn't knew which material I wanted to use. 
  • Art card (260gsm)
  • Model card
Fig 3.1 Laser cutting

Fig 3.2 Packaging cut out

Fig 3.3 Laser cutting on both art and model card

I printed on both types of materials I prepared but sadly, both art card and model card will create this type of creasing. The crease on art card is worse than the one on the model card so in the end I decided to go with model card. 

Fig 3.4 Creasing on art card (260gsm)


Fig 4.1 FINAL hand sanitiser packaging

Fig 4.2 FINAL hand sanitiser packaging dieline

Fig 4.3 FINAL lip tint packaging

Fig 4.4 FINAL lip tint packaging dieline


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Week 03 - 14/09/2022
Lecturer Feedback: 
- Advantages or disadvantages
- I can also talk about my own opinion on the packaging design, etc.
- Mention what's included in the box
- Elaborate on the green mould (primary packaging)
- Talk about how it's suitable for kids
- (Back of the packaging) content breakdown 

Week 04 - 21/09/2022
Lecturer Feedback:

- Hand sanitiser is good to go.

- Pick another loose item because a badge (my intinial loose item) doesn't really need a packaging.

Week 05 - 28/09/2022
Lecturer Feedback:
- The packaging is good to go but maybe I can add a 'half circle' at the back of the packaging to make it easier for people to take out the sanitiser from the packaging.
- I will have to figure out how I want to secure the top of my lip tint packaging, either glue it down or use tape for it. 
- Ms April also mentioned to check our files properly and make sure there's no overlapping line before we send our file for laser cutting.


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