Minor Project - Angsana Health (Tenang App)

03/04/2023 - 16/07/2023 / Week 01 - 15
Ellyn Saw Mei Hui / 0353358
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media 
Minor Project, Angsana Health (Tenang App)



<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hDenDBwyICXEpZhEm3bOMmHHPlYH0fMR/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

During the first week of class, we were briefed on this module and introduced with the different projects we will be working on. There were many options but brand dialogue (specifically feng shui and apocatherphy) caught my eye. Unfortunately me and my team was unable to find enough members in time to choose both of the topics so our final decision was to work on Tenang App together with computing students. The idea of Tenang is to create and design a gamified mental health app that focuses on fostering healthy self-evaluation practices and raise awareness of mental health among Malaysians.


Fig1.0 Group 5 member list (contact blurred for privacy reasons)

 Our research stage lasted from week 1 to 6 and everyone in the group was in charge of researching different topics per week. We documented all of our research in Google Docs first before putting them into our Miro board.

Fig1.1 Miro Board (link)

♡ I also created a weekly timeline, updated all the tasks that needed to be done per week inside and shared them with my group. This was easier for me to ensure that all my team members were on the right track.

<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j7Mb9WPhOapq01z1U82sFYKmwlTLr1NR/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Fig1.2 Weekly timeline for my personal use (link to pdf)

 We were not required to complete this section as our client has already identified the target audience
♡ Our target audience is younger generation from age 12 to 25 with mental health issues


Fig1.3 Insights discovery


Fig1.4 Problem statement


Fig1.5 How might we?

♡ As we were working based on computing's capstone 1, we had to test out the figma prototype done by computing to see if the app flowchart needs any changes. After testing them out, we decided that it was best to change the flowchart as we found that some of the functions may break the immersiveness of our virtual pet.

Fig1.6 App flowchart

♡  Besides, our UIUX team also started working on the black and white wireframes of figma to get a rough idea on how each page of the app will look like. Mr Mike also mentioned that the icons used in our app should be more consistent and suggested us to search online for a full set of icons by the same creator so that was what I did! I found a full set of icons designed specially for Figma and passed the file to our UIUX team.

Fig1.7 B&W wireframes (prototype view)

♡ After researching and defining, we started to work on our proposal presentation slides on week 5 but throughout the weeks we did some minor refinements here and there.

<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bJrxivUKK4AtlDaNveZW7NNiU-Wv_IF4/preview" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
Fig2.1 Proposal presentation slides_draft (link to pdf)

♡ Our proposal presentation with our client - Angsana Health was on week 10, 7th June, 11:30am.
Fig2.2 FINAL proposal presentation slides (link to pdf)

♡ We finally got the finalised feedback from Angsana on week12 so our team started to make the necessary changes as per Angsana's request. Thankfully, there were only a few minor changes needed in different sections of the app.

Fig3.1 Comments by Angsana Health

♡ I started illustrating our in game currency -  berries. We also decided that the food our virtual pets will eat are fruits so I started working on that too.

Fig0.0 Berries and fruits design (no outline)

Fig0.0 Berries and fruits design (with outline)

WEEK 13:
♡ Since our app is almost done, Mr Mike suggested that we could think of some other touchpoints to design to promote and raise awareness for Tenang App. This could also help us improve our portfolio so after the consultation, me and my group started discussing on what we could do. Shu Huan and I are from Graphic Design specialisation and it so happens that we’ve learnt this in our Creative Brand Strategy module (this semester), both of us will be in charge of designing the touchpoints.

Fig3.2 Art direction & inspo for touchpoints

♡ Initially, we decided on poster, banner, table tent and promotional video. After pondering on the user journey map, I decided that it’s best to also design a simple microsite to promote the app. We would’ve tried to design social media too but due to the lack of time we decided that it’s best to not risk it and delay our progress.

Fig3.3 User Journey Map

♡ I started with the microsite first as I already have an idea of how I'm gonna design the layout. I wanted it the microsite to look as real as possible with working buttons so I designed the microsite using Adobexd. It was actaully my first time using Adobexd so I am glad that it was quite easy and straightfoward to use!

Fig3.4 Landing page draft layout(1)

Fig3.5 Landing page draft layout(2)

♡ For optiomal viewing please click HERE ! Below is a demo video of the microsite walkthrough :>

Fig3.6 FINAL microsite demo video (link to video)

♡ After the microsite was done, I moved on to promotional video. My idea was to make this a fast paced motion graphic video together with upbeat music. Initially, I was worried that the video might be too fast paced but Shu Huan and Siew Ni reassured me saying it looks good!

Fig3.7 FINAL promotional video (link to video)

♡ As computing students determined that this app will be compatible for Android devices only, I decided to put our app into a Google Playstore mock up to showcase to Angsana!

Fig3.8 FINAL Google playstore mock up on figma (prototype view)

Fig4.1 FINAL presentation slides (link to pdf)

Fig4.2 FINAL app figma (prototype view)

View full feedbacks in our miro board

All reflections (week by week) done in project tracking document

Week 15: This week, we had our final presentation on Monday (10/07//2023) at 9am! I was quite nervous and definitely stuttered during presentation but nonetheless happy that it’s coming to an end soon. After the presentation, I was mentally preparing myself for any negative feedbacks but to my surprise, the feedback we received was very positive! A big relief washed over me as we receive such good compliments. They mentioned that they really liked our work and that we did a very good job! Mr Mike also said that he thinks we are at the industry level now. Though, we didn’t start off on a positive note (difficulty in recruiting members, desired projects being taken, limiting ourselves within the scope of what computer science can do, minor miscommunications with computer science, etc.) I am glad  and satisfied with our final outcome. As the leader of this group, I feel a sense of pride(?) as I was able to witness everything come to live from start to finish and seeing that my group members did a great job. Lastly, huge thanks to Mr Mike and his guidance! I appreciate all the constructive feedbacks given to us and always trying to push us beyond our limits to challenge ourselves.

PS: Our client Angsana Health wants to deploy this app asap and so further discussions will be done with a legal team. Eventhough the further road down doesn't include us anymore as it is the end of this module, I'm still very excited to see how the app will turn out if it's really going to launch!


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