Creative Brand Strategy Task 02

25/04/2023 - 09/05/2023 / Week 04 - 06
Ellyn Saw Mei Hui / 0353358
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media 
Creative Brand Strategy Task 02


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 develop a design brief (Campaign Name, Communication Goals and Key Message)
 idea generation
 before starting 2A and 2B come up with project brief, key messages, campaign name, communication goals and tagline
 refer to the customer journey map & identify touchpoints
♡ look at references related to your proposed campaign
♡ select only the most relevant (unique and portrays the subject in every context)

♡ set of mood boards 
♡ moodboard/ break it down into different categories
♡ visual style (look & feel, colours, etc)
♡ typography (headline and body copy)
♡ graphic elements, logo (how we want it to look/possible typefaces etc)
♡ colour pallets, tone of voice & personality (tie in with brand value and positioning)
PROGRESS ( WEEK 3 - 19/04/2023 ) :  
 I decided to work on both 2A and 2B at once so I could get 'fuller'(?) feedback from Ms Lilian when I showed her my progress. Initially, my campaign name was Go-Nature but I had a few draft campaign names and tagline ideas in mind so I jotted them down in my slides.

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Fig1.1 Week 3 slide progression

♡ I also had a few options for my moodboard. The images shown below are just the overall mood and feel of the campaign.

Fig1.2 Moodboard 01 - Imagery & handwritten vibe

Fig1.3 Moodboard 02 - Similar to L'Occitane's style, old english/french vibe

Fig1.4 Moodboard 03 - Graphical & clean vibe

PROGRESS ( WEEK 4 - 26/04/2023 ) :  
♡ Since Ms Lilian mentioned that I should rethink my brand touchpoints to see if it really caters to my target audience, I decided to refine my idea. The photobooth idea will remain as there will be a hashtag event that people can use to post their photo strips on Instagram and this can act as a tool to attract more people to join the campaign. As people are more inclined to join or purchase something if there is a certain benefit, I decided to add another touchpoint which is fragrance pouch workshop.

Fig2.1 Updated customer journey map

♡ I also researched more in-depth on my references and moodboard, typo, colours, etc

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Fig2.2 Week 4 slide progression

♡ I also did some typeface setting to see which one fitted my campaign more.
  •     OPTION 1: Rie (display text) & Myriad Pro (body text)
  •     OPTION 2: Chi (display text) & Poppins (body text)
Fig2.3 Type test 01

♡ I liked how Chi looks more so I decided to go with that and tested it out with different body texts.
  •     OPTION 1: Chi (display text) & Myriad Pro (body text)
  •     OPTION 2: Chi (display text) & Poppins (body text)
Fig2.4 Type test 02

♡ Chi and Poppins looked the best to me so I went with that option.

Fig2.5 FINAL chosen type

 1. Social Media (Instagram)

Fig 3.1 Application 01_social media
2. Website
Fig 3.2 Application 02_website

3. Promotional Video (link to video)

Fig3.3 Application 03_promotional video

♡ A video promoting We & Nature campaign. It will be executed in a kinetic typography style, utilising the campaign's colour, typeface as well as exciting music to draw the user's attention. The video will showcase what the campaign is about, it's purpose and the end goal of the campaign. 

4. E-certificate
Fig3.4 Application 04_e-certificate

5. Posters
Fig3.5 Application 05_posters

6. Fragrance pouch

Fig3.6 Application 06_fragrance pouch

7. Photostrip

Fig3.7 Application 07_photostrip

♡ Moodboard
Fig4.1 Moodboard

♡ Colours
Fig4.2 Colours

♡ Typography
Fig4.3 Display typo

Fig4.4 Body text typo

♡ Graphical elements

Fig4.5 Graphical elements

♡ Photography
Fig4.6 Photography


Week 04 - 25/04/2023
Lecturer Feedback: 
 We & Nature fits more with my campaign direction and sounds more solid
♡ Go-Nature sounds safe and does not have any personality as any brand can use that name
♡ Tagline will be self-care nature care 
♡ Communication goals = Ultimate goal, what my campaign plans to achieve, what I hope my campaign can communicate (ex: convey the idea of giving back to nature)
♡ Suggest adding a QR code on poster to track whoever participates in my campaign
♡ QR code on poster doesn't have to work, the function doesn't matter in this case but I will have to explain in my final outcome what will happen or how it looks like after people scan my QR code
♡ Consider another activity that is more relevant to my campaign
♡ I can create a hashtag (#) campaign on social media with the photo booth idea
♡ Website - add to cart page is up to me, I can decide what or how many pages I wanna design
♡ Would sticker pack and sprout clip be accommodating to my target audience (women that have spending power and stable income)
♡ If I decide to keep my photo booth and sticker pack idea, my target audience will target those who started working, their mid-20s to 30s
♡ come up with my own design & art direction and not follow the brand
♡ photography background is quite suitable, graphical elements are most important here, need to be contrasting with the background
♡ would be better to take my own photography or copyright free, just credit the sources

Week 05 - 02/05/2023
Lecturer Feedback: 
♡ artwork has to contribute back to the campaign (in terms of aesthetics and what they offer)
♡ second website is more suitable to my campaign style, the layout is simple but the use of type and imagery is able to bring the campaign style back
♡ good to mention what I was looking for in each touchpoint in my slides
♡ campaign logo/date can be included in the design of photo strip
♡ some applications will be overlapping with each other
♡ inspo for logo might need to change, some are too playful
♡ can create variations for logo (one symbol and one wordmark)
♡ my display typeface (Chi) and my body typeface (Poppins) look good together
♡ try to take my own photography if I can (a nice landscape that showcases nature)
♡ quite comprehensive, improve on logo style, able to add more photos into moodboard if I want

After Submission Feedback: 
♡ well considered positioning
♡ good look at brand touchpoints & customer journey map
♡ tone of voice accurate to the campaign
♡ detailed, well considered and overall well presented
♡ well done, no negative feedback, very solid

Experience - 
This task was both fun and challenging for me. I find the challenging part to be planning out the touchpoints and refining my customer journey map. I wanted to improve on my idea for Task 1B but I failed to realise that some of my touchpoints may not align with my own campaign. However, I am grateful that Ms Lilian had been so patient in explaining and giving me the necessary input on how I could improve my touchpoints. Moving on, I really enjoyed looking and searching for the references needed for Task 2B. Although it did take quite some time for me to dig around Pinterest and Behance since some of the references weren't really the style I was looking for. All in all, I am glad that I managed to complete this task on time and it was great to see how my campaign kept evolving throughout these two tasks.

Observations - 
Through this task, I observed that it is important for the brand touchpoints to make sense. We have to think of it as a real campaign, the logistics of how it will work and how it is going to be executed. It is also important that whatever we suggest in our brand touchpoints must align with our proposed target audience. Everything has to have a reason for being used/proposed rather than proposing them just because they are in trend now.

Findings - 
Looking at different references definitely helped me expand my ideas and helping me in building a more solid identity for my campaign. I also enjoyed looking at all the other ideas my classmates had proposed for this task. It was fun to see how each campaign can look so different from one another.


  • Individual contact point between consumer and the brand.
  • Broadly defined interactions, ranging from in-person selling to marketing emails.
  • Understand key areas that our consumer will focus on.
  • By anticipating the touchpoints in advance, we are prepared to overcome challenges, concerns and anything else that comes along the way.
  • Common touchpoints are: social media, company contents like blogs, podcats, etc, loyalty programs, post-purchase feedback request and the point of sale (in store or online).


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